引用本文: | 慈春令,候培国.采用加权控制律的自适应广义预测极点配置控制器[J].控制理论与应用,1994,11(3):303~308.[点击复制] |
CI Chunling and HOU Peiguo.Weighted Input Placement Adaptive Generalized Predicative Controller[J].Control Theory and Technology,1994,11(3):303~308.[点击复制] |
采用加权控制律的自适应广义预测极点配置控制器 |
Weighted Input Placement Adaptive Generalized Predicative Controller |
摘要点击 1030 全文点击 471 投稿时间:1992-12-05 修订日期:1993-12-13 |
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DOI编号 |
1994,11(3):303-308 |
中文关键词 广义预测控制 零极点配置;鲁棒性 |
英文关键词 generalized predicative control zero and pole placement robustness |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文针对CARMA和CARIMA模型,利用加权控制律代替—步预测控制律,通过在线选择加权项进行极点配置。避免了广义预测中的求逆问题,应用变遗忘因子最小二乘法辨识参数。仿真结果表明,该控制器适用于非最小相系统和开环不稳定系统,不但具有期望的动态特性,而且具有很好的鲁棒性。 |
英文摘要 |
In this paper, based on CARMA and CARIMA models to apply the weighted input replace of single step predicative input, with online choicing weighting item to place zero and pole. The calculation for inverse matrix in generalized predicative is avoided of. A least-squares method with a variable forgetting factor is applied in parameter identification. Simulation shows that controller are suitable for systems that both unstable and non-minimun phase and a strong robustness. They also have dynamic characteristics good expected. |