引用本文:王 英,阎平凡.基于状态空间模型的最小熵反褶积[J].控制理论与应用,1994,11(3):309~314.[点击复制]
WANG Ying,YAN Pingfan.Minimum Entropy Deconvolution Based on State Space Model[J].Control Theory and Technology,1994,11(3):309~314.[点击复制]
Minimum Entropy Deconvolution Based on State Space Model
摘要点击 2166  全文点击 525  投稿时间:1992-06-15  修订日期:1993-03-01
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中文关键词  反褶积  反褶积辨识  信号处理;非最小相位系统
英文关键词  deconvolution  system identification  signal processing  non-minimun phase system
王 英,阎平凡 中国科学院自动化研究所 
      In this paper, the method of minimum entropy deconvolution is proposed to identify the non-minimum phase system. The system is modelled as the state space model. Least square deconvolution is used to identify the minimum phase system corresponding to the system of the true phase, that is to estimate the amplitude spectrum of the system. The phase of the system is searched according to the entropy which is the function of the input sequence estimated by the optimal smoother. The heuristic search algorithm is proposed from the idea that a system has the leading poles which dominate the transient response of the system. The searching time is greatly reduced by this algorithm.