引用本文: | 邹 云,杨成梧.关于可分2-D系统的几个注记[J].控制理论与应用,1994,11(4):483~488.[点击复制] |
ZOU Yun and YANG Chengwu.Some Notes on Separable 2-D System[J].Control Theory and Technology,1994,11(4):483~488.[点击复制] |
关于可分2-D系统的几个注记 |
Some Notes on Separable 2-D System |
摘要点击 1035 全文点击 489 投稿时间:1992-07-23 修订日期:1994-01-03 |
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DOI编号 |
1994,11(4):483-488 |
中文关键词 2-D系统 线性离散系统;可分性;渐近稳定性;状态观测器 |
英文关键词 2-D systems linear discrete systems separability asymptotic stability state observer |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
可分2-D系统是一类具有良好特性的重要的特殊2-D系统,它在多方面均有重要的应用。本文在已有结果的基础上对具有可分性的2-D多输入多输出系统在再实现问题、渐近稳定性代数判据、状态观测器设计等方面进行了较为广泛的研究,得到了许多较好的结果。 |
英文摘要 |
Separable 2-D Systems, i.e. the 2-D discrete systems whose polynomials are separable, are an important special class of 2-D systems, and possess many satisfactory properties and have significant applications in many areas. In this paper, on the basis of existing results we discuss the problem of re-realizations, computation of transition matrix, algebraic criteria of asymptotic stability, and design of state asymptotic observers etc. for multi-input and multi-output separable 2-D systems. Some results concerned are obtained. |