引用本文: | 褚 健.时滞离散系统控制算法及其在长形工业电阻炉中的应用[J].控制理论与应用,1995,12(1):70~75.[点击复制] |
CHU Jian.A Time-Delay Control Algorithm for Discrete Systems and Its Application to an Industrial Electric Heater[J].Control Theory and Technology,1995,12(1):70~75.[点击复制] |
时滞离散系统控制算法及其在长形工业电阻炉中的应用 |
A Time-Delay Control Algorithm for Discrete Systems and Its Application to an Industrial Electric Heater |
摘要点击 1111 全文点击 532 投稿时间:1992-12-29 修订日期:1994-07-11 |
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DOI编号 |
1995,12(1):70-75 |
中文关键词 时滞控制算法 时滞离散模型 Lyapunov稳定 状态反馈控制 工业电阻炉 |
英文关键词 time-delay control algorithm time-delay discrete model Lyapunov stability state feedback control industrial electric heater |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文讨论具有状态滞后的离散时间系统的稳定化控制问题,基于Lyapunov稳定性理论导出相应的控制算法。并针对一工业电阻炉,通过系统辨识的方法得到时滞离散模型,并将所开发的控制算法应用于该电阻炉,实际运行结果表明,炉内温度控制在±1.5℃(0.5%)误差之内,而且校正能力强,回复时间短。 |
英文摘要 |
This paper mainly discusses stabizing control problem for discrete systems with time-delay in state variables. The control algorithms are given based on the Lyapunov stability theory. For an industrial electric heater, a time delay discrete model is identified using least squares technique, and the real time control by the control algorithm to the heater is performed. The performance of the industrial application shows that the temperature variation in the heater is within ±1.5℃(0.5%), and the system is with good load change rejection and with shorter recovery time. |