引用本文:王殿辉 谢绪恺.广义系统在输出反馈下的脉冲行为[J].控制理论与应用,1995,12(3):371~376.[点击复制]
WANG Dianhui XIE Xukai.Elimination of Impulsive Modes by Output Feedback in Descriptor Systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,1995,12(3):371~376.[点击复制]
Elimination of Impulsive Modes by Output Feedback in Descriptor Systems
摘要点击 1053  全文点击 440  投稿时间:1993-04-09  修订日期:1994-12-01
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中文关键词  广义系统  输出反馈  脉冲模式
英文关键词  descriptor systems  impulsive modes  output feedback
王殿辉 谢绪恺 东北大学自动化研究中心 
      基于作者在文[14]中给出的脉冲观控性子空间,建立了如下数学关系式: max deg det /sE-A+BKC/= Dim (R-)-dim (R-∩R-) + r 作为上述公式的一个直接推论,得到了以下结论:广义系统在输出反馈下可以消出p个脉冲模式的充要条件是,系统存在p个线性独立的能控能观的脉冲模式。
      In this paper, a problem of eliminating the impulsive modes by output feedback in descriptor systems is considered. First, we redefine the impulsive controllable subspace R-, unobservable subspace R- of the descriptor systems form a new point of view. Secondly, in the basis of these subspaces defined above, an interesting and meaningful mathematical identity is established as follows: Dim (R-)-dim (R-∩R-) + r =max deg det (sE-A+BKC). (*) As a corollary of (*), a significant conclusion, i.e., there exist p linearly independent impulsive modes which can be eliminated by an output feedback law if and only if the system possesses p linearly independent impulsive modes which are controllable and observable. It is also shown that the equality (*) holds for almost any gain K.