引用本文:王子栋 郭 治.误差方差及圆形区域极点约束下状态估计问题的研究:离散时间情形[J].控制理论与应用,1995,12(6):681~686.[点击复制]
WANG Zidong and GUO Zhi.A Study of Error Variance and Circular Pole-Constrained State Estimation for Discrete-Time Systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,1995,12(6):681~686.[点击复制]
A Study of Error Variance and Circular Pole-Constrained State Estimation for Discrete-Time Systems
摘要点击 872  全文点击 485  投稿时间:1993-11-01  修订日期:1994-10-04
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中文关键词  线性离散随机系统  约束方差估计  区域极点配置
英文关键词  linear discrete stochastic systems  constrained variance estimation  circular pole placement  covariance assignment control
王子栋 郭 治 南京理工大学自动控制系 
      This paper focuses on the problem of state estimation for linear discrete stochastic systems with steady- state and transient performance constraints. The purpose of this problem is to design filter gains such that the steady- state value of the estimation error variance of each state is less than or equal to the prespecified value, and the poles of the filter matrix lie within the prespecified circular region. It is shown that the enforcement of above requirements is related to an algebraic matrix equation. Based on the equation, the existence conditions and the explicit expression of the expected filter gain are given. Finally, a numerical example is provided to demonstrate the directness and efficientness of the design method presented in this paper.