引用本文: | 邹 云 杨成梧.2-D系统的干扰解耦[J].控制理论与应用,1995,12(6):781~786.[点击复制] |
ZOU Yun and YANG Chengwu.2-D系统的干扰解耦[J].Control Theory and Technology,1995,12(6):781~786.[点击复制] |
2-D系统的干扰解耦 |
2-D系统的干扰解耦 |
摘要点击 951 全文点击 468 投稿时间:1994-06-17 |
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DOI编号 |
1995,12(6):781-786 |
中文关键词 2-D系统 干扰解耦 反馈控制 |
英文关键词 2-D systems disturbance decoupling feedback control |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文讨论了2-D系统的干扰解耦问题(DDP),将1-D系统理论中的有关结果推广到了2-D线性离散常系数一般模型(2-DGM),得到了问题可解的充分条件和必要条件以及相应的算法。这些结果较好地改进了现有结果。 |
英文摘要 |
In this paper, the disturbance decoupling problem (DDP)for 2-D general models(2-DGM)is discussed. In order to extend the corresponding results in 1-D case (see Wonham (1984)) to 2-D systems, the well-known concept of (A,B)-invariant subspace is generalized to the case that permits A to be a nonsquare matrix of some special forms. Based on this new concept, the sufficient conditions to the solvability of the DDP for 2-D GM are presented, and the corresponding design procedures are also proposed. These results have improved well the existing works. |