引用本文: | 邓飞其,刘永清,冯昭枢.具有滞后耦合特性的线性随机大系统的时滞无关均方稳定性*[J].控制理论与应用,1996,13(1):30~35.[点击复制] |
DENG Feiqi;LIU Yongqing and FENG Zhaoshu.Mean-Square Stability Independence of Delays of Large-Scale Linear Stochastic Systems with Delayed Couplings[J].Control Theory and Technology,1996,13(1):30~35.[点击复制] |
具有滞后耦合特性的线性随机大系统的时滞无关均方稳定性* |
Mean-Square Stability Independence of Delays of Large-Scale Linear Stochastic Systems with Delayed Couplings |
摘要点击 1082 全文点击 506 投稿时间:1994-11-11 修订日期:1995-06-20 |
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DOI编号 |
1996,13(1):30-35 |
中文关键词 随机系统 滞后大系统 均方稳定性 |
英文关键词 Department of Automation,South China University of Technology |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文研究具有滞后耦合特性的时不变线性It?随机大系统的稳定性,得到了大系统平衡态滞后无关的均方渐近稳定性代数判据.文中所考虑的子系统是随机子系统,对它们的假设正好是它们均方渐近稳定的充要条件.另外,文中采用的Lyapunov泛函是确定型的Lyapunov泛函. |
英文摘要 |
In this paper,stability of time-invariant large-scale linear It? stochastic systems with delayed couplings is investigated,some algebraic criteria for mean-square
asymptotic stability independence of delays of equilibriums of the large-scale systems are obtained. The isolated subsystems involved in the paper are stochastic subsystems. The assumptions on the isolated subsystems are necessary and sufficient conditions of mean-square asymptotic stability of their equilibriums.Besides,the Lyapunov functional applied in the paper is a deterministic one. |