引用本文: | 王子栋, 郭治.圆形区域极点及方差约束下线性离散系统的控制设计[J].控制理论与应用,1997,14(1):105~111.[点击复制] |
WANG Zidong and GUO Zhi.Circular Pole and Variance-Constrained Design for Linear Discrete Systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,1997,14(1):105~111.[点击复制] |
圆形区域极点及方差约束下线性离散系统的控制设计 |
Circular Pole and Variance-Constrained Design for Linear Discrete Systems |
摘要点击 1112 全文点击 491 投稿时间:1994-06-15 修订日期:1995-01-24 |
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DOI编号 |
1997,14(1):105-111 |
中文关键词 离散随机系统 约束方差设计 圆形区域极点配置。 |
英文关键词 Discrete stochastic systems constrained variance design circular pole placement |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文考虑线性离散随机系统在圆形区域极点及方差约束下的控制器设计问题。即设计状态反馈控制器,使闭环系统同时满足预先给定的圆形区域极点约束以及预先给定的各状态分量的方差约束。文中利用代数黎卡提方程方法解决了上述问题。 |
英文摘要 |
The problem of controller design for linear discrete systems with circular pole and variance constraints is considered in this paper. The goal of this problem is to design the controller such that the closed-loop system satisfies the prespecified circular pole constraints and the prespecified individual variance constraints, s-imultaneously. An algebraic, modified Riccati equation approach is developed to solve the above problem. |