引用本文: | 李青湘, 胡跃明, 裴海龙, 周其节.移动机器人的鲁棒输出跟踪[J].控制理论与应用,1998,15(4):515~524.[点击复制] |
Lioingxiang, HU Yueming, PEIHailong and ZHOU Qijie.Robust Output Tracking for Mobile Robot*[J].Control Theory and Technology,1998,15(4):515~524.[点击复制] |
移动机器人的鲁棒输出跟踪 |
Robust Output Tracking for Mobile Robot* |
摘要点击 1271 全文点击 522 投稿时间:1996-08-29 修订日期:1997-04-28 |
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DOI编号 |
1998,15(4):515-524 |
中文关键词 移动机器人 非完整系统 输出跟踪 变结构控制 鲁棒性 |
英文关键词 mobile robot nonholonomic system output tracking variable structure control robustness |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文讨论了一类不确定非完整系统的鲁棒输出跟踪问题。首先给出了在适当条件下受限系统的降阶状态实现及有关性质;进而给出了三轮移动机器人在纯滚动与非打滑条件下的简化模型,并结合变结构控制方法对该模型给出了具体的鲁棒输出跟踪控制规律. |
英文摘要 |
In this paper, the robust output tracking p. roblem of a kind of uncertain nonholo-nomic systems is discussed. The reduced dimensional state realization and main properties are given under some assumptions. Then the simplified state space model of 3-wheel mobile robot is given under the conditions of pure rolling and non slipping. Finally, the detailed robust ouiput tracking control law based on the simplified model is presented. |