引用本文: | 苏宏业 ,王景成, 褚 健.具有状态滞后的线性不确定时滞系统鲁棒输出反馈控制[J].控制理论与应用,1998,15(6):939~944.[点击复制] |
SU Hongye, WANG Jingcheng and CHU Jian.Output Feedback Stabilizing Controller for LinearTime—Varying Uncertain Systems with Delayed State*[J].Control Theory and Technology,1998,15(6):939~944.[点击复制] |
具有状态滞后的线性不确定时滞系统鲁棒输出反馈控制 |
Output Feedback Stabilizing Controller for LinearTime—Varying Uncertain Systems with Delayed State* |
摘要点击 1087 全文点击 510 投稿时间:1996-09-16 修订日期:1997-12-08 |
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DOI编号 |
1998,15(6):939-944 |
中文关键词 线性时滞系统 鲁棒控制 时变不确定性 动态输出反馈 二次镇定 |
英文关键词 linear time-delay systems time-varying norm-bounded uncertainty dynamic out-put feledback quadratic stabilization |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
针对具有状态滞后和时变未知且有界不确定性的线性时变不确定时滞系统,研究了当状态不完全可测时的鲁棒镇定问题. 利用Riccati方程方法,提出了一种基于观测器的动态输出反馈镇定控制器设计方法,并得到了不确定时滞系统可输出反馈镇定的充分条件. 最后通过一数值例子来说明了所得结果的可行性. |
英文摘要 |
This paper is focused on the problem of robustly stabilizing linear uncertain time-de-lay systems when the full states can not be measured. The systems under consideration are linear systems with time-varying unknown-but-bounded uncertainty and delayed state. An observer- based ciynamic output feedback controller is presented to quadratically stabilize the system. A suffi-cient conciition for the robust output feedback stabilizability of the system is derived based on Ric-cati ecluation approach and the control law can be constructed by solving two algebraic Riccati cquations. Finally,a numerical example is presentfed to illustrate the obtained results. |