引用本文:肖 建.多采样率数字控制系统的函数空间模型[J].控制理论与应用,2000,17(2):296~299.[点击复制]
XIAO Jian.Function Space Model of Multirate Digital Control Systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2000,17(2):296~299.[点击复制]
Function Space Model of Multirate Digital Control Systems
摘要点击 2531  全文点击 1121  投稿时间:1998-10-05  修订日期:1999-07-15
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2000.2.032
中文关键词  多采样率数字控制系统  函数空间  线性系统
英文关键词  multirate digital control systems  function space  linear systems
基金项目  国家自然科学基金(69774024)资助课题.
肖 建 西南交通大学 电气工程学院 成都 610031 
      采用函数空间的方法, 利用提升 (lifting)技术, 构造出多采样率数字控制系统的函数空间模型. 该线性时不变离散模型同时描述了被控对象在采样点上和采样点之间的动态行为. 根据这种模型所设计的多采样率数字控制系统, 有望克服目前多采样率数字控制系统所存在的采样点之间存在有纹波或振荡等弊病, 为多采样率数字控制系统的分析与综合提供了一个新的方法.
      Using function space methods and lifting techniques, this paper proposes a function space model of multirate digital control systems. This time invariant discrete time model can describe both sampling instant and inter sample behavior of the continuous plant. The controller synthesized based on this model, may eliminate ripples and oscillations between the sampling instants of the current multirate digital control systems. This model affords a new way for multirate digital control system analysis and synthesis.