YUAN Xiang-yang,SHI Song-jiao.Design of a Self-Scheduled H Controller for Plants with Variable Operating Conditions[J].Control Theory and Technology,2001,18(3):390~394.[点击复制]
Design of a Self-Scheduled H Controller for Plants with Variable Operating Conditions
摘要点击 1393  全文点击 945  投稿时间:1999-08-23  修订日期:2000-10-30
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2001.3.014
中文关键词  工作点可变系统  H控制  状态反馈  自调度  LMI
英文关键词  plants with variable operating conditions  H control  state feedback  self scheduled  LMI
袁向阳 上海交通大学 自动化系, 上海 200030 
施颂椒 上海交通大学 自动化系, 上海 200030 
      对于一种工作点可变系统, 即被控对象表达为两个典型工作点上的传递函数矩阵的正则稳定的既约分解的线性内插, 研究其H的控制问题, 提出了一种自调度状态反馈H控制器的设计算法. 并将该自调度状态反馈H控制器的设计问题转化为基于有限个线性矩阵不等式(LMI)的凸优化问题, 采用现有的凸优化工具即可对其进行求解.
      This is concerned with the design of self scheduled state feedback controllers with guaranteed H performance for a class of plants with variable operating conditions. The plant is assumed to be described by a linear interpolation of proper stable coprime factorizations of the transfer functions at two representative operating points. Base on the notion of quadratic H performance, sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of the state feedback H controller are given as infinite algebraic Riccati inequalities that connot be solved directly. Then sufficient condition for the solvability of these infinite algebraic Riccati inequalities is given in the form of finite LMIs. In this way, the design of the state feedback H controller is reduced to solving a feasibility problem constrained by these LMIs.