WU Huai-yu,ZHOU Zhao-ying,XIONG Shen-shu.D-Type Iterative Learning Control with Application to FNS Limb Motion Control System[J].Control Theory and Technology,2001,18(3):409~413.[点击复制]
D-Type Iterative Learning Control with Application to FNS Limb Motion Control System
摘要点击 1359  全文点击 1209  投稿时间:1999-10-26  修订日期:2000-09-29
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2001.3.017
中文关键词  迭代学习控制  收敛性  肢体运动控制  FNS  生物医学工程
英文关键词  iterative learning control  convergence  limb motion control  FNS  biomedical engineering
吴怀宇 清华大学 精密仪器系, 北京 100084 
周兆英 清华大学 精密仪器系, 北京 100084 
熊沈蜀 清华大学 精密仪器系, 北京 100084 
      给出了离散系统D 型迭代学习控制算法收敛的一种充分条件, 并加以证明. 采用D型迭代学习控制算法, 对基于功能性神经肌肉电刺激的曲腕和曲肘运动进行了临床实验研究, 结果表明, D型迭代学习算法改善了FNS肢体运动控制的跟踪性能, 曲肘和曲腕运动轨迹平滑、稳定, 并且刺激控制脉冲变化平缓, 受试者无任何不良生理反应.
      A new sufficient condition proof for the convergence of D type iterative learning control algorithm is provided and the clinical experiments applied to the control of both elbow flexion and wrist flexion with function neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) is given by means of D type iterative learning control method. The results of clinical studies have demonstrated that D type iterative learning control algorithm is suitable for improving the dynamic response characteristics and stabilizing the limb motion. Furthermore, the stimulated patient does not have any bad physiological reactions because the output electrical stimulation pluses vary gently.