引用本文:井元伟,陈 兵,乔治·迪米罗夫斯基,科斯罗·索拉比.网络通信量控制的主从模型(英文)[J].控制理论与应用,2001,18(6):817~822.[点击复制]
JING Yuan-wei,CHEN Bing,Georgi.M.Dimirovski,Khosrow Sohraby.On Leader-Follower Model of Traffic Rate Control for Networks[J].Control Theory and Technology,2001,18(6):817~822.[点击复制]
On Leader-Follower Model of Traffic Rate Control for Networks
摘要点击 2046  全文点击 1035  投稿时间:2000-07-10  修订日期:2001-07-06
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2001.6.002
中文关键词  比率控制  价控  弹性通信量  非弹性通信量  激励Stackelberg策略
英文关键词  rate control  pricing  elastic traffic  non-elastic traffic  incentive Stackelberg strategy
井元伟 东北大学 信息科学与工程学院, 沈阳 110006 
陈 兵 东北大学 信息科学与工程学院, 沈阳 110006 
乔治·迪米罗夫斯基 圣西里尔和麦色迪大学 电子工程学院, 基科普里 MK91000,马其顿 
科斯罗·索拉比 密苏里大学 堪萨斯城分校计算机科学远程通讯学院, 堪萨斯 MO64113,美国 
      讨论了网络的通信量控制问题. 将激励Stackelberg策略的概念引入到具有用户和网络两层子系统的网络模型中. 针对弹性通信量问题, 提出了一个线性策略和一个非线性策略. 并将此方法扩展到非弹性通信量情形. 数值例子及仿真结果说明了此方法的适用性.
      This paper deals with traffic rate control problems of networks. The incentive Stackelberg strategy concept was introduced to the networking model that comprises subsidiary systems of users and network. A linear strategy and a nonlinear strategy were proposed to the elastic traffic problem. The results were then extended to the non_elastic traffic problem. Numerical examples and simulations were given to illustrate the proposed method.