HAO Zhiyong,FU Luhua.An Investigation on the Partially Control of the Torsional Vibration of the Turbogenerator Shaft System[J].Control Theory and Technology,2002,19(1):95~98.[点击复制]
An Investigation on the Partially Control of the Torsional Vibration of the Turbogenerator Shaft System
摘要点击 1550  全文点击 1655  投稿时间:1999-07-02  修订日期:2001-01-16
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2002.1.019
中文关键词  轴系扭振  主动控制  部分施控
英文关键词  torsional vibration of shaft  active control  partial control
基金项目  国家自然科学基金(59575015); 教育部基金(D196001,G00023)资助项目
郝志勇 天津大学 机械工程学院, 天津 300072  
付鲁华 天津大学 机械工程学院, 天津 300072 fuluhua@eyou.com 
      在汽轮发电机组转子轴系扭振动力响应计算结果的基础上, 根据独立模态空间控制的思想, 探讨了对轴系扭振部分模态进行施控的可行性, 导出了轴系扭振部分施控反馈最优控制规律, 并对一台 2 0 0MW汽轮发电机组转子轴系进行了主动控制部分施控的模拟计算, 取得了理想的效果.
      The active control on torsional vibration is investigated on the basis of the result of dynamic response computation of turbogenerator shaft system and theory of independent mode space control. Considering the engineering practice, active control partially vibration is presented and applied in the studied system from which its optimal law is induced. A simulated calculation of partially active control on torsional vibration of a 200MW turbogenerator achieves satisfactory results.