FAN Ziyan,HAN Zhengzhi,LIU Yungang.Stabilization of Simple Feedforward Systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2002,19(2):258~262.[点击复制]
Stabilization of Simple Feedforward Systems
摘要点击 1894  全文点击 1164  投稿时间:1999-08-02  修订日期:2000-06-23
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2002.2.024
中文关键词  非线性控制  严格前馈系统  输入-状态稳定性  状态反馈
英文关键词  nonlinear control  strictly feedforward systems  input-state stability  state feedback
基金项目  国家自然科学基金(69874025)资助项目.
范子彦 上海交通大学 智能工程研究所上海 200030 rovan@eastday.com 
韩正之 上海交通大学 智能工程研究所上海 200031 zzhan@mail.sjtu.edu.cn 
刘允刚 上海交通大学 智能工程研究所上海 200032  
      讨论前馈结构系统 x1=Ax1+g(x2, u), x2 =f(x2, u)的反馈镇定, 应用前向设计方法给出了当系统 x2=f(x2, u)可以反馈镇定的时候, 整个系统反馈镇定的条件. 在设计中实现了输入_状态增益的最终线性, 以及状态的收敛性. 文章在此基础上探讨了应用复杂前馈结构系统的可能性.
      This paper researches the stabilization problem of cascade systems 1=Ax 1+g(x 2,u), 2=f(x 2,u). Using the forward-stepping, the conditions of input_state stabilization of the system is presented if the subsystem 2=f(x 2,u) is stabilizable. By the method, the input-state gain of system is ultimately linear and the state is convergent. It is also considered to extend the method to complex feedforward systems.