YIN Baoqun,ZHOU Yaping,XI Hongsheng,SUN Demin.Sensitivity Analysis of Performance with Parameter-Dependent Performance Functions in Closed Queueing Networks[J].Control Theory and Technology,2002,19(2):311~312.[点击复制]
Sensitivity Analysis of Performance with Parameter-Dependent Performance Functions in Closed Queueing Networks
摘要点击 1517  全文点击 1565  投稿时间:1999-06-09  修订日期:2001-03-02
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中文关键词  闭排队网络  参数摄动  灵敏度分析  势能
英文关键词  closed queueing networks  parameter perturbation  sensitivity analysis  potential
基金项目  国家自然科学基金(69974037); 国家高性能计算基金(00212)资助项目.
殷保群 中国科学技术大学 自动化系合肥 230026 bqyin@ustc.edu.cn 
周亚平 中国科学技术大学 自动化系合肥 230027  
奚宏生 中国科学技术大学 自动化系合肥 230028  
孙德敏 中国科学技术大学 自动化系合肥 230029  
      借助于无穷小矩阵摄动方法, 讨论了一类Markov过程, 其稳态性能关于参数摄动的灵敏度分析问题. 然后研究了闭排队网络的稳态性能灵敏度分析问题, 并在参数相关性能函数的情况下, 给出了网络的几种稳态性能的灵敏度公式. 这些公式表明稳态性能灵敏度很容易通过网络势能进行计算.
      By using the approach of the infinitesimal generator perturbation, the problems of sensitivity analysis of the steady-state performance with respect to the parameter perturbation are discussed for a class of Markov processes. Then the sensitivities of steady-state performance are studied in closed state_dependent queueing networks. Sensitivity formulas of several kinds of the steady-state performance are given for parameter-dependent performance functions. These formulas show that the sensitivities of steady-state performance can be easily calculated by the potentials of networks.