引用本文: | 董文杰,徐文立.移动机械手的鲁棒控制(英文)[J].控制理论与应用,2002,19(3):345~348.[点击复制] |
DONG Wenjie,XU Wenli.On Robust Control of Mobile Manipulators[J].Control Theory and Technology,2002,19(3):345~348.[点击复制] |
移动机械手的鲁棒控制(英文) |
On Robust Control of Mobile Manipulators |
摘要点击 2232 全文点击 1113 投稿时间:2000-08-10 修订日期:2001-10-29 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2002.3.006 |
2002,19(3):345-348 |
中文关键词 移动机械手 跟踪控制 非完整系统 鲁棒控制 不确定性 |
英文关键词 mobile manipulator tracking control nonholonomic system robust control uncertainty |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
讨论了受摩擦力、外界扰动及参数不确定的移动机械手控制问题. 基于Barbalat引理、系统的结构性质和定义的跟踪误差, 提出了鲁棒控制器. 该控制器能使系统的状态在参数不确定情况下全部渐进趋于给定的期望轨迹. 仿真结果验证了本文所提出控制方法的有效性. |
英文摘要 |
This paper studies the tracking control problem of mobile manipulators in which parameter uncertainty, system friction and disturbance are considered. A robust tracking controller is proposed based on the defined tracking errors, the structural properties of the system, and Barbalat's lemmas. The proposed controller ensures the system state to asymptotically track the desired trajectory in the presence of uncertainties. Simulations presented in the paper show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. |