引用本文: | 高利新,孙优贤.Schur-Cohn多项式的鲁棒稳定半径[J].控制理论与应用,2002,19(6):972~974.[点击复制] |
GAO Li-xin,SUN You-xian.Radius of robust stability for Schur-Cohn polynomials[J].Control Theory and Technology,2002,19(6):972~974.[点击复制] |
Schur-Cohn多项式的鲁棒稳定半径 |
Radius of robust stability for Schur-Cohn polynomials |
摘要点击 2463 全文点击 1753 投稿时间:2000-11-01 修订日期:2001-12-03 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2002.6.034 |
2002,19(6):972-974 |
中文关键词 鲁棒稳定 扰动半径 Schur-Cohn多项式 特征多项式 |
英文关键词 robust stability disturb radius Schur-Cohn polynomial character polynomial |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金(69874036,60174029)资助项目. |
中文摘要 |
研究离散线性时不变系统的特征多项式的鲁棒稳定性, 给出用求多项式最小值的方法来估计Schur_Cohn多项式的鲁棒稳定半径, 在一定条件下估计为最优估计. 最后, 给出若干算例. |
英文摘要 |
This paper investigates the problem of the robust stability about character polynomial of a discrete-time linear time invariant system, estimates the radius of robust stability of Schur-Cohn polynomial based on seeking minimum value of polynomial, and it is the best estimation in some conditions. Finally, some numerical examples are given. |