引用本文:郑朝晖, 张 焱, 裘聿皇.一种基于复数编码的遗传算法[J].控制理论与应用,2003,20(1):97~100.[点击复制]
ZHENG Zhao-hui, ZHANG Yan, QIU Yu-huang.Genetic algorithm based on complex-valued encoding[J].Control Theory and Technology,2003,20(1):97~100.[点击复制]
Genetic algorithm based on complex-valued encoding
摘要点击 2632  全文点击 1781  投稿时间:2000-06-05  修订日期:2002-03-11
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2003.1.022
中文关键词  复数编码  遗传算法  双倍体  等位基因
英文关键词  complex-valued encoding  genetic algorithms  diploid  allele
基金项目  国家自然科学基金(60075018)资助项目
郑朝晖, 张 焱, 裘聿皇 中国科学院 自动化研究所,北京 100080 Yuhuang.Qiu@mail.ia.ac.cn 
      Complex-valued Encoding is applied to genetic algorithms (GA). One complex number is used to denote each diploid and define the genetic operators. Each pair of alleles corresponds to one complex number. The independent variables of the objective function are determined by the modules and angles of their corresponding complex numbers. Compared with the conventional genetic algorithm based on real-valued encoding or binary encoding, the proposed algorithm expands the dimensions for denoting. The computer simulation results are offered to demonstrate the efficiency of the method.