引用本文:唐功友, 王 芳.具有小时滞的线性大系统的次优控制[J].控制理论与应用,2003,20(1):121~124.[点击复制]
TANG Gong-you, WANG Fang.Suboptimal control for linear large-scale systems with small time-delay[J].Control Theory and Technology,2003,20(1):121~124.[点击复制]
Suboptimal control for linear large-scale systems with small time-delay
摘要点击 1566  全文点击 1312  投稿时间:2001-04-03  修订日期:2002-03-13
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中文关键词  大系统  时滞系统  最优控制  次优控制  无滞后转换法
英文关键词  large-scale systems  time-delay systems  optimal control  suboptimal control  non-delay transformation approach
基金项目  国家自然科学基金(60074001); 山东省自然科学基金(Y2000G02)资助项目
唐功友, 王 芳 中国海洋大学 计算机系,山东青岛 266003 gtang@mail.ouc.edu.cn 
      The suboptimal control for linear large_scale systems with small time-delay is studied. First, all the increments of state terms and interconnected terms among subsystems are considered as additional disturbances. Then by using the non_delay transformation approach and the successive approximation method of differential equations, we transform a higher order two_point boundary value problem with time_delay and time_advance terms into a group of decoupled lower order ones without time_delay and time_advance terms. Finally, the definite iterative values of optimal solutions are taken as a suboptimal control law for the large_scale system. For the linear large_scale systems with small time_delay, iterative times computing suboptimal control law can be greatly reduced. Therefore, this approach is specially suited for the suboptimal controller design for the linear large_scale systems with small time-delay.