引用本文:钟 庆,吴 捷,杨金明.无源性控制在有源电力滤波器中的应用(英文)[J].控制理论与应用,2003,20(5):713~718.[点击复制]
ZHONG Qing,WU Jie,YANG Jin-ming.Application of passivity-based control in active power filters[J].Control Theory and Technology,2003,20(5):713~718.[点击复制]
Application of passivity-based control in active power filters
摘要点击 1812  全文点击 1265  投稿时间:2003-01-10  修订日期:2003-09-05
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2003.5.012
中文关键词  谐波  有源滤波器  无源性控制
英文关键词  harmonics  active power filter  passivity-based control
钟 庆 华南理工大学 电力学院, 广东 广州 510640 
吴 捷 华南理工大学 电力学院, 广东 广州 510640 
杨金明 华南理工大学 电力学院, 广东 广州 510640 
      线路或负载参数未知可能会导致有源滤波器系统失稳. 为解决系统的稳定性问题, 将无源性控制应用于有源电力滤波器来保证系统的稳定性. 将有源滤波器和非线性负载视为一个整体. 对负载进行诺顿等效, 把负载电压和电源电流作为状态变量, 把补偿电流作为控制变量, 建立系统在dq轴上的模型. 获得系统的控制律也就获得了补偿电流的给定值. 验证系统满足无源性条件之后, 再利用无源性控制方法获得系统的控制律. 虽然算法在理论上比较复杂, 但是实现上相当简单. 在仿真中, 对比了容性负载, 感性负载以及变动负载情况下的控制
      When the parameters of the line and load in APF are uncertain or unknown, the system may be unstable. In order to solve this problem, the passivity-based control (PBC) was applied to the active power filters (APF). The work concentrated on the compensation strategies. The APF and the nonlinear load were considered as a whole. By simplifying the circuit of the APF by Norton equivalent, the system model on dq axes was built. The load voltage and the supply current were taken as the state variables of the system and the compensating current as the control variables. The passivity of the system was demonstrated. The control law, which is the reference compensation current, was deduced by the passivity approach. Though the theory was complex, the control law obtained by the passivity-base control was very simple. Some simulations are conducted with various loads, and the results indicate the stability and robustness of the PBC.