引用本文:陈晓方, 桂卫华, 王雅琳, 吴 敏, 阳春华.基于智能集成策略的烧结块残硫软测量模型[J].控制理论与应用,2004,21(1):75~80.[点击复制]
CHEN Xiao-fang, GUI Wei-hua, WANG Ya-lin, WU Min, YANG Chun-hua.Soft-sensing model of sulfur content in agglomerate based on intelligent integrated strategy[J].Control Theory and Technology,2004,21(1):75~80.[点击复制]
Soft-sensing model of sulfur content in agglomerate based on intelligent integrated strategy
摘要点击 1614  全文点击 1621  投稿时间:2002-06-17  修订日期:2003-02-21
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2004.1.015
中文关键词  软测量模型  神经网络  物料平衡  智能协调  专家规则
英文关键词  soft-sensing model  neural networks  material balance  intelligent coordination  expert rules
基金项目  国家十五863计划项目(2001AA411040,2001AA414240); 国家973重点基础研究发展规划项目(2002CB312203).
陈晓方, 桂卫华, 王雅琳, 吴 敏, 阳春华 中南大学 信息科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙 410083 
      The parameter estimation in sintering process of plumbum and zinc smelting is a concerned challenge for the complexity in chemical reactions. The idea of intelligent integrated modeling strategy was to combine multiple modeling techniques to acquire all kinds of information from the plant. The study of estimation of sulfur content in agglomerate was vital for operation optimization. An estimation model for sulfur estimation based on intelligent integrated strategy was put forward, in which the mathematical model calculates the sulfur content in agglomerate following material balance equation with some unsolvable parameters estimated by neural network method, while the expert rule model describe the relationship between sulfur quantity and key factors. An intelligent coordinator based on fuzzy logic is proposed to synthesize the output of the models. The estimation model was tested by industrial practical data, its average error is 7.5%. So this model could be used as a guide in practical operation in sintering process.