引用本文:刘士荣, 林卫星, 俞金寿, 杨先一.非线性动态系统神经模糊建模与内模/PID双重控制系统设计[J].控制理论与应用,2004,21(4):553~560.[点击复制]
LIU Shi-rong, LIN Wei-xing, YU Jin-shou, Simon X.YANG.Neurofuzzy modeling for nonlinear dynamic systems anddouble control system design with internal model control and PID control[J].Control Theory and Technology,2004,21(4):553~560.[点击复制]
Neurofuzzy modeling for nonlinear dynamic systems anddouble control system design with internal model control and PID control
摘要点击 1626  全文点击 1481  投稿时间:2002-03-08  修订日期:2003-06-05
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中文关键词  神经模糊系统  内模控制  PID控制  化学反应器
英文关键词  neurofuzzy systems  internal model control  PID control  chemical reactor
刘士荣, 林卫星, 俞金寿, 杨先一 宁波大学 电气工程与自动化研究所,浙江宁波 315211
华东理工大学 自动化研究所,上海 200237
圭尔夫大学 工程系,加拿大 
      In the internal model control design for nonlinear systems,the precise forward and inverse models of plant are required,but it is impossible in the majority of practical plants.A modeling technique based on a class of neurofuzzy models for nonlinear dynamic systems is proposed.The internal model control design based on neurofuzzy modeling is studied.Because there is the model mismatch problem between the identified forward and inverse models of the plant based on the input_output data of plant,it will make the system controllable range narrowed and the system robustness lessened in the control system based on neurofuzzy modeling.To improve the performance of the control system,the double control strategy with neurofuzzy modeling based internal model control and PID control is proposed.By the concentration control of the reacted mass in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR),the double control strategy is able to effectively extend the system controllable range and improve the performance of the system.The simulation results show that the proposed control strategy is simple and effective.