引用本文:孙 琳, 谢 桦, 梅生伟, 庞晓艳, 李明节.UPFC混成控制器设计及其对四川电网稳定性的改善[J].控制理论与应用,2005,22(1):57~62.[点击复制]
SUN Lin, XIE Hua, MEI Sheng-wei, PANG Xiao-yan, LI Ming-jie.Hybrid controller design for unified power flow controller and its application in Sichuan power grid[J].Control Theory and Technology,2005,22(1):57~62.[点击复制]
Hybrid controller design for unified power flow controller and its application in Sichuan power grid
摘要点击 1714  全文点击 1119  投稿时间:2003-06-27  修订日期:2004-03-02
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2005.1.011
中文关键词  暂态稳定  统一潮流控制器(UPFC)  非线性H控制  混成控制
英文关键词  transient stability  unified power flow controller  nonlinear H-infinity control  hybrid control
基金项目  国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(G1998020309); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50377018); 四川省电力调度局合作资助项目.
孙 琳, 谢 桦, 梅生伟, 庞晓艳, 李明节 清华大学 电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京 100084
北京交通大学 电气工程学院,北京 100044
四川电力调度局,四川 成都610016 
      作为典型的远距离输电系统,四川电网存在严重的暂态稳定问题.为提高其稳定性,首先运用非线性鲁棒控制理论建立了含外部干扰的统一潮流控制器(Unified Power Flow Controller)动态模型.在此模型的基础上,基于脉宽调制(Pulse width modulation)控制技术,提出一类新型混成反馈控制策略,即UPFC串联逆变器的导通角采用非线性H控制策略,其余串、并联控制(调制比和导通角)均采用常规的比例积分(Proportional-Integral)控制.进一步对上述混成控制律中的某些不可测变量进行本地化,保证了控制律的工程实用性.仿真结果表明文中所设计的UPFC控制器较常规PID控制更有效地改善四川电网的动态品质,提高其暂态稳定性.
      As a typical long-distance transmission system,Sichuan system has an undesirable power flow distribution,which has seriously infringed on its security.In order to improve its stability,a dynamic model considering external disturbances is proposed by the nonlinear robust control theory.Then based on PWM technology,a novel hybrid control strategy for UPFC is built.A nonlinear H-infinity law is designed for control phase of the series converter.While for the other three control variables(modulation ratios and control phase),conventional PI control is adopted.Furthermore,based completely on the locally measurable variables,the proposed controller could be very practical.Simulation studies have verified its effectiveness to improve the dynamic quality and transient stability of Sichuan system.