引用本文:王 静, 张庆灵, 刘万泉.广义对称组合系统的结构分析[J].控制理论与应用,2005,22(1):118~122.[点击复制]
WANG Jing, ZHANG Qing-ling, LIU Wan-quan.Structure analysis of singular symmetric composite systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2005,22(1):118~122.[点击复制]
Structure analysis of singular symmetric composite systems
摘要点击 1652  全文点击 1369  投稿时间:2003-06-11  修订日期:2003-12-17
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中文关键词  广义对称组合系统  固定模  分散正常化  能控性  能观性
英文关键词  singular symmetric composite systems  fixed modes  decentralized normalization  controllability  observability
基金项目  辽宁省普通高校学科带头人基金资助项目(124210); 辽宁省科技基金资助项目(2001401041).
王 静, 张庆灵, 刘万泉 东北大学 理学院,辽宁 沈阳 110004
科廷理工大学 计算机学院,澳大利亚 
      A class of singular systems with symmetric interconnected and identical structure was investigated.First,the original singular symmetric composite systems were transformed to two lower-order modified subsystems via system transformation;Then it was found that the characteristics (such as stability,controllability,observability,the existence of fixed modes,decentralized normalization,the solution to the Lyapunov equation and Riccati equation) of this kind of large-scale systems can be determined by the corresponding properties of the two lower-order modified subsystems.