引用本文: | 段广仁, 吴爱国.广义线性系统的干扰解耦观测器设计[J].控制理论与应用,2005,22(1):123~126.[点击复制] |
DUAN Guang-ren, WU Ai-guo.Design of observers with disturbance decoupling in descriptor systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2005,22(1):123~126.[点击复制] |
广义线性系统的干扰解耦观测器设计 |
Design of observers with disturbance decoupling in descriptor systems |
摘要点击 2209 全文点击 2356 投稿时间:2003-03-26 修订日期:2003-10-16 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2005.1.025 |
2005,22(1):123-126 |
中文关键词 干扰解耦 Luenberger观测器 广义线性系统 |
英文关键词 disturbance decoupling Luenberger observers descriptor linear systems |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(69504002). |
中文摘要 |
提出了广义线性系统的Luenberger函数观测器关于干扰解耦的充要条件,并进一步基于广义Sylvester矩阵方程的显式通解给出了干扰解耦观测器的参数化设计方法.这种方法首先给出了观测器增益矩阵的参数表示,然后通过结合观测器增益矩阵的参数表示和提出的干扰解耦条件,给出了设计广义线性系统干扰解耦观测器的算法.数值例子说明了本文设计方法的有效性. |
英文摘要 |
A sufficient and necessary condition for Luenberger function observers with disturbance decoupling in descriptor systems is established.Based on this constraint and an explicit general solution to a type of generalized Sylvester matrix equations,a parametric design approach for Luenberger observers with disturbance decoupling is proposed.The proposed approach first gives the parameterizations of all the observer gains and then a design algorithm for the type of observers with disturbance decoupling by combining the parameterizations of the observer gain matrices and the proposed condition for disturbance decoupling.A numerical example illustrates the effect of the proposed approach. |