LIU Shao-qiang, WANG Ai-min, FAN Xiao-ping, HUANG Wei-yi.Control scheme for tradeoff between stability and performance in scaled telemanipulation[J].Control Theory and Technology,2005,22(4):661~665.[点击复制]
Control scheme for tradeoff between stability and performance in scaled telemanipulation
摘要点击 1826  全文点击 1079  投稿时间:2003-09-18  修订日期:2004-10-25
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2005.4.030
中文关键词  比率遥操作系统  控制策略  稳定性与性能折衷  绝对稳定性准则
英文关键词  scaled telemanipulation  control scheme  tradeoff between stability and performance  absolute stability criteria
基金项目  湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(04JJY3089).
刘少强,王爱民,樊晓平,黄惟一 中南大学信息科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410075
      It is necessary for the scaled telemanipulation system to guarantee the stability and enhance the performance simultaneously.By modeling the system and introducing Llewellyn two-port network absolute stability criteria,the ideal performance of the scaled telemanipulation is defined,the control parameters restrictions of the system to realize the ideal performance is induced and the stability of the system with the ideal performance is analyzed.Based on the absolute stability criteria and the regulation of impendence of the master slave manipulator the control scheme is presented which can realize tradeoff between absolute stability and performance enhancement of the system in the passivity of the both operator and environment.Simulation results show the validity of the proposed control scheme.