引用本文:张强,冯树兴 ,岳巍强 .基于神经网络的大容积环境温度模拟系统的控制策略[J].控制理论与应用,2006,23(3):429~432.[点击复制]
ZHANG Qiang,FENG Shu-xing,YUE Wei-qiang.Control strategy of large volume temperature simulating system based on neural networks[J].Control Theory and Technology,2006,23(3):429~432.[点击复制]
Control strategy of large volume temperature simulating system based on neural networks
摘要点击 1506  全文点击 1052  投稿时间:2004-09-30  修订日期:2005-09-09
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2006.3.019
中文关键词  温度系统  Bang-Bang控制  神经网络  PID控制
英文关键词  temperature system  Bang-Bang control  neural network  PID control
张强,冯树兴 ,岳巍强 北京理工大学信息科学技术学院,北京100081
      Nonlinearity,big time-constant and slow time-variation are some characteristics of large volume temperature simulating system,and it is difficult to get a perfect result through normal control method.A new control method consists of three phases is presented in this paper.When the temperature is far away from the target,Bang-Bang control is applied so as to achieve fast control.When it is close to the target,neural network control is used in order to restrain overshooting.Once it arrives at the target,PID control is adopted to overcome the effect of slow time-variation.In addition,the control and switching algorithms of each phase are also established.Finally,a practical application example is given to prove the effectiveness of the proposed approach.