引用本文: | 黄剑, 关治洪, 王仲东.一类参数不确定脉冲系统的保成本控制研究[J].控制理论与应用,2006,23(6):971~975.[点击复制] |
HUANG Jian, GUAN Zhi-hong, WANG Zhong-dong.Guaranteed-cost-control of a class of impulsive systems with parametric uncertainties[J].Control Theory and Technology,2006,23(6):971~975.[点击复制] |
一类参数不确定脉冲系统的保成本控制研究 |
Guaranteed-cost-control of a class of impulsive systems with parametric uncertainties |
摘要点击 1507 全文点击 1276 投稿时间:2004-08-18 修订日期:2005-12-27 |
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DOI编号 |
2006,23(6):971-975 |
中文关键词 脉冲系统 保成本控制 参数不确定 稳定性 线性矩阵不等式 |
英文关键词 impulsive systems guaranteed cost control parametric uncertain stability linear matrix inequalities (LMI) |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60274004, 60573005). |
中文摘要 |
根据脉冲系统的稳定性结果, 得到了线性时变脉冲系统一致渐近稳定的充分条件. 在此基础上研究了一类参数不确定系统的保成本状态反馈控制问题, 根据稳定性理论与鲁棒控制原理得到了此类控制器的一个存在性条件. 进一步通过有关参数不确定性的结论证明了该条件等价于一组线性矩阵不等式的可解性问题. 最后给出了一个具体示例. |
英文摘要 |
A sufficient condition for the uniformly asymptotically stability of linear time-varying impulsive systems is obtained based on the recent stability results of impulsive systems. Moreover, the guaranteed-cost-control problem via state feedback controller is studied for a class of impulsive systems with parametric uncertainties. A sufficient condition for the existence of this guaranteed-cost state feedback controller is then presented in terms of the Lyapunov stability theory and robust control principles. Furthermore, it is shown that this condition is equivalent to the solvability problem of a system of linear matrix inequalities according to some existing conclusions on the norm-bounded time-varying parameter uncertainty. Finally, a numerical example is given to support the main results of this paper. |