CONG Shen, FEI Shu-min, [FEI Ji-qing].Dynamic feedback H-infinity control ofswitched systems with time-delay[J].Control Theory and Technology,2007,24(1):132~136.[点击复制]
Dynamic feedback H-infinity control ofswitched systems with time-delay
摘要点击 1503  全文点击 1246  投稿时间:2005-06-17  修订日期:2006-02-23
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2007.1.025
中文关键词  切换系统  时滞  动态反馈控制  线性矩阵不等式
英文关键词  switched systems  time-delay  dynamic feedback control  linear matrix inequality
基金项目  国家自然科学基金资助项目 60574006
丛屾,费树岷,[费吉庆] 东南大学自动化研究所,江苏南京210096 
      对于由若干线性时滞子系统构成的切换系统, 考虑了动态反馈控制与切换策略的设计, 以实 现H-infinity性能的优化. 利用其连续性不受切换行为影响的Lyapunov-Krasovskii泛函构造方式, 并结合闭环子系统的适当变换, 导出了与时滞相关的控制器及切换策略的存在性判据.通过参数代换与矩阵 相似变换, 将此判据等价地转化为线性矩阵不等式, 从而解得泛函与控制器参数. 仿真结果验证了方法的有 效性.
      For the switched system composed of linear subsystems with time-delay, the synthesis of dynamic feedback control and switching strategy is concerned with the optimization of H-infinity performance. Combining with the proper transformation of closed subsystem, an improved construction of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional preserving the continuity free from switching actions is employed, and the delay-dependent criterion is established for the existence of controllers and switching strategy. Based on the technique of parameter transformation and matrix transformation, the proposed criterion is then equivalently reformulated in term of linear matrix inequality (LMI) from which the parameters of the functional and controllers are explicitly presented. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the proposed method.