引用本文: | 乔国林, 童朝南, 孙一康.结晶器多变量耦合系统的自抗扰控制[J].控制理论与应用,2007,24(3):485~489.[点击复制] |
QIAO Guo-lin, TONG Chao-nan, SUN Yi-kang.Active disturbance rejection control for mould multivariable coupled system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2007,24(3):485~489.[点击复制] |
结晶器多变量耦合系统的自抗扰控制 |
Active disturbance rejection control for mould multivariable coupled system |
摘要点击 2248 全文点击 1482 投稿时间:2005-05-08 修订日期:2006-06-05 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2007.3.030 |
2007,24(3):485-489 |
中文关键词 液位控制 铸坯表面温度 耦合系统 跟踪微分器 扩张状态观测器 自抗扰控制 |
英文关键词 level control billet surface temperature coupled system tracking differentiator extended state observer active disturbance rejection control |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
主要研究新颖实用非线性自抗扰控制算法, 在结晶器多变量耦合系统中的应用. 自抗扰控制主要特性是实时估计对象模型摄动和外扰的总和作用量, 并在控制信号中补偿掉, 实现不确定性强非线性对象的实时动态反馈线性化. 结合控制对象, 建立了结晶器多变量耦合自抗扰控制系统. 数值仿真试验表明自抗扰耦合控制的协调性、自适应跟随性和抗干扰性优于传统的PID解耦控制. |
英文摘要 |
A new nonlinear control algorithm-active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) is introduced, and a new ADRC control scheme for mould multivariable coupled system is proposed in this paper. The key element of ADRC is extended state observer (ESO). The real-time dynamic linearization is then implemented by disturbance estimation via ESO and disturbance compensation with control law. The mould multivariable coupled system based on ADRC is also established in combination with control objects. Finally, the principal analysis and simulation results show that the ADRC coupled control scheme not only has good coordination, but also provides satisfactory performance outperforming the traditional PID decoupling control. |