RAN Zheng-yun , LI Hua-de , YANG Li-yong.Direct torque control system with uncertainties[J].Control Theory and Technology,2007,24(3):508~510.[点击复制]
Direct torque control system with uncertainties
摘要点击 1883  全文点击 974  投稿时间:2005-04-26  修订日期:2006-07-04
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2007.3.035
中文关键词  直接转矩控制  鲁棒扩展Kalman 滤波器  无速度传感器控制  不确定性
英文关键词  DTC  robust and extended Kalman filter  sensorless control  uncertainty
基金项目  北京市自然科学基金资助项目(Kz20004l0005005 )
冉正云,李华德,杨立永 北京科技大学信息工程学院北京100083 
      在异步电动机直接转矩控制系统中,由于定子电阻变化及负载扰动的不确定性,导致定子磁链、转子转速和电磁转矩估计不准确,从而影响系统的调速性能.本文基于扩展Kalman 滤波器,引进虚拟噪声补偿技术,然后采用sage 和Husa 噪声统计估值器,构成鲁棒扩展Kalman 滤波器.并将定子电流,定子磁链,转子转速,定子电阻及负载作为状态变量,基于鲁棒扩展Kalman 滤波器进行了大量实验研究.实验结果证实:状态变量能够准确估计,且转矩脉动优于常规的直接转矩控制方案,实现了高性能无速度传感器的直接转矩控制系统.
      The uncertainty of stator resistance variance and load disturbance for asynchronous motor in direct torque control ( DTC ) system makes stator flux 1inkage, rotor speed and electromagnetic torque 's estimation inaccurate , which leads to poor performance for the system. Based on extended Kalman filter ( EKF ) , virtual noise compensation technology is introduced and the Sage-Husa noise statistical estimation method is adopted , which forms robust EKF. Then , stator current and flux 1inkage, rotor speed ,stator resistance and load are regarded as the state variables and DTC experiment is carried out on the basis of robust EKF. Experiment shows that the state variables can be estimated accurately , and torque ripple is superior to ordinary DTC scheme , which achieves sensorless DTC system with good performance.