引用本文:包能胜, 朱瑞丹, 倪维斗.双馈型机组风电场三相电网短路故障暂态特性分析[J].控制理论与应用,2008,25(1):141~144.[点击复制]
BAO Neng-sheng, ZHU Rui-dan, NI Wei-dou.Three phase short circuit fault transient analysis of wind farm installed with DFIG wind turbine system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2008,25(1):141~144.[点击复制]
Three phase short circuit fault transient analysis of wind farm installed with DFIG wind turbine system
摘要点击 2484  全文点击 1957  投稿时间:2007-07-20  修订日期:2007-08-10
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2008.1.027
中文关键词  风电场  双馈电机  电网故障  数字仿真
英文关键词  wind farm  DFIG  grid fault  digital simulation
包能胜, 朱瑞丹, 倪维斗 清华大学热能工程系, 北京100084
汕头大学工学院智能制造技术教育部重点实验室, 广东汕头515063 
      风电场三相电网短路故障暂态特性是研究大型风电场和电网之间相互关系的问题之一. 首先基于机理分析, 建立了机组和电网数学模型. 然后利用Matlab/Simulink仿真环境和机组参数, 建立了风电场全系统的仿真模型.最后通过对双馈型机组风电场三相电网短路故障下的数字仿真, 得到了风电场和机组各关键参数的响应特性, 并着重对它们的暂态特性进行了分析. 所建立的模型和仿真结果为今后进一步研究风电场与电网之间的相互影响提供了理论基础.
      Three phase short circuit fault transient analysis of wind farm installed with DFIG wind turbine system deals with the impact between the wind farm and electrical network. First, based on theoretical analysis, a dynamic model of wind turbine system and power grid were built. Then, applying Matlab/Simulink to parameters of the system, the simulation model of wind farm was programmed. Finally, with the digital simulation and analysis, the transient characteristics of key parameters of the wind farm and wind turbine unit were discussed. The built model and simulation results provided the theoretical basis of research of the impact between the wind farm and the electrical network.