引用本文:张勇, 曾君, 王世闻, 余晓明.风力发电机组便携式电能质量监测系统[J].控制理论与应用,2008,25(1):163~166.[点击复制]
ZHANG Yong, ZENG Jun, WANG Shi-wen, YU Xiao-ming.A portable power quality monitoring system for wind power generation system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2008,25(1):163~166.[点击复制]
A portable power quality monitoring system for wind power generation system
摘要点击 3400  全文点击 3755  投稿时间:2007-07-20  修订日期:2007-10-15
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2008.1.033
中文关键词  电能质量  DSP  ARM  风电机组  便携式
英文关键词  power quality  DSP(digital signal processor)  ARM(advanced RISC machine)  wind power generation system  portable
基金项目  国家自然科学基金重点项目经费资助项目(60534040).
张勇, 曾君, 王世闻, 余晓明 华南理工大学电力学院, 广东广州510640 
      目前实际运行的风机只提供了显示和记录电能质量稳态数据的功能, 而风机的运行特性和对电网的影响分析必须通过对其电能质量的一段时期的动态监测来获得. 本文采用自主研制的双CPU架构的便携式电能质量分析仪, 构建了通用的风力发电机组的动态监测系统,并用该系统对风电机组的电能质量进行了长期监测. 利用监测结果进行分析和评判, 可以为改进风电机组的控制策略、制定风电电能质量治理措施和确定治理装置的相关技术参数提供必要的依据.
      For a wind turbine, its operation characteristics and effects on the grid can be determined only through a long time dynamical monitoring on power quality, while a running wind turbine provides only steady-state data of power quality. We independently developed a power quality analyzer on BI-CPU architecture for the general monitoring of power quality. It has been applied to a single wind turbine for a long time. The results obtained had been the basis for selecting the control strategy of the wind turbine generator, for improving the power quality and adjusting the technical parameters in devices.