引用本文: | 唐功友,雷 靖,孙 亮.控制时滞系统基于观测器的最优扰动抑制[J].控制理论与应用,2009,26(2):209~214.[点击复制] |
TANG Gong-you,LEI Jing,SUN Liang.Observer-based optimal disturbance-rejection for linear systems with time-delay in control action[J].Control Theory and Technology,2009,26(2):209~214.[点击复制] |
控制时滞系统基于观测器的最优扰动抑制 |
Observer-based optimal disturbance-rejection for linear systems with time-delay in control action |
摘要点击 1870 全文点击 1512 投稿时间:2006-04-23 修订日期:2008-09-08 |
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DOI编号 |
2009,26(2):209-214 |
中文关键词 时滞系统 持续扰动 前馈控制 最优控制 观测器 |
英文关键词 time-delay systems persistent disturbances feedforward control optimal control observer |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60574023, 40776051); 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Z2005G01). |
中文摘要 |
研究在持续外界扰动作用下含有控制时滞线性系统的最优扰动抑制问题. 首先利用模型转换将控制时滞系统转化为无时滞系统. 然后证明最优控制律的存在唯一性, 并通过求解Riccati方程和Sylvester方程设计含前馈补偿器和控制记忆项的最优控制律, 其中的前馈控制项和控制记忆项分别补偿了扰动和控制时滞对系统的影响. 通过构造扰动状态观测器, 解决了前馈补偿器的物理不可实现问题. 仿真实例验证了所设计的最优控制律的有效性. |
英文摘要 |
The optimal disturbance-rejection for linear systems with time-delay in control action and external persistent disturbances is considered. By using the model transformation, this system is transformed into a non-delay one. The existence and uniqueness of the optimal control law are proved and the optimal control law with a feedforward compensator and a control memory term is derived from a Riccati equation and Sylvester equations. The feedforward control term and the control memory term compensate for the effects of disturbances and the time-delay in control action, respectively. A disturbance-observer is developed to make the approximate feedforward compensator physically realizable. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed control law. |