引用本文: | 池荣虎,侯忠生,金尚泰,王郸维,秦浩华.快速路交通密度的自抗扰控制器设计及不同扰动情况下的性能评价[J].控制理论与应用,2014,31(4):525~530.[点击复制] |
CHI Rong-hu,HOU Zhong-sheng,JIN Shang-tai,WANG Dan-wei,QIN Hao-hua.Active disturbance rejection controller for freeway traffic density and performance assessment with different types of disturbances[J].Control Theory and Technology,2014,31(4):525~530.[点击复制] |
快速路交通密度的自抗扰控制器设计及不同扰动情况下的性能评价 |
Active disturbance rejection controller for freeway traffic density and performance assessment with different types of disturbances |
摘要点击 2762 全文点击 1882 投稿时间:2013-08-15 修订日期:2013-12-21 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2014.13134 |
2014,31(4):525-530 |
中文关键词 自抗扰控制 快速路交通密度控制 匝道调节 控制性能分析 |
英文关键词 active disturbance rejection control freeway traffic density control ramp metering performance analysis |
基金项目 |
中文摘要 |
本文针对快速路主道交通密度的控制问题, 提出了一种新的自抗扰匝道调节方法. 该方法包括跟踪微分器(TD)、扩展状态观测器(ESO)和非线性输出误差反馈控制律(NLOEF)3个部分. 通过微分跟踪环节安排的过渡过程, 可有效降低系统的超调; 而系统外部不确定性可通过ESO估计, 并将估计信息用于NLOEF更新控制信号. 本文分别基于宏观MATLAB和微观PARAMICS平台进行了仿真研究, 验证了所提出方法抑制不同类型外部扰动的有效性. |
英文摘要 |
An active disturbance rejection control approach (ADRC) is proposed for the traffic density control via ramp metering. This new traffic density ADRC approach consists of a tracking differentiator (TD), an extended state observer (ESO), together with a nonlinear output error feedback control law (NLOEF). The system overshoot can be reduced by the arranged transition process. Furthermore, the exogenous uncertainties can be estimated by the ESO, which in turn is used in the NLOEF to update the control signals. Simulation results are provided with both macroscopic MATLAB and microscopic PARAMICS platforms to show that the proposed ADRC method is capable to reject different types of exogenous disturbances. |