GUO Zhi-fu,DONG Yan-liang,ZHAO Ke-ding.Model-free compound controller design of flight simulator[J].Control Theory and Technology,2010,27(9):1214~1220.[点击复制]
Model-free compound controller design of flight simulator
摘要点击 1398  全文点击 994  投稿时间:2008-11-19  修订日期:2009-11-12
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2010.9.CCTA081279
中文关键词  无模型  定量反馈理论  功率谱估计  系统辨识  飞行仿真转台
英文关键词  model-free  quantitative feedback theory  power spectrum estimation  system identification  flight simulator
郭治富* 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 zhifuguo@126.com 
董彦良 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院  
赵克定 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院  
      针对飞行仿真转台的宽频带要求, 提出了一种无模型复合控制器设计方法. 该方法以定量反馈理论为基础, 结合前馈控制以兼顾仿真转台对幅频和相频特性的苛刻要求. 在设计过程中, 运用功率谱估计方法获取仿真转台的不确定性范围. 同时将仿真转台对幅频特性要求转化为定量反馈理论的跟踪性能边界, 对相频特性要求用前馈控制器加以补偿, 以实现对仿真转台幅值和相位指标综合控制. 仿真结果表明, 该方法能够满足仿真转台性能指标要求. 且此方法具有无需参数化建模, 设计过程直观的特点.
      A model-free compound controller design method is proposed to meet the requirement of a flight simulator in a wide range of frequencies. In addition to the quantitative feedback theory, we employ the feedforward control to make a tradeoff between the strict requirements of the amplitude-frequency characteristic and the phase-frequency characteristic of the flight simulator. In the controller design, the system uncertainties are determined from the power spectrum estimation. The requirement of the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the flight simulator is converted into the tracking specification bounds of the quantitative feedback theory; the requirement of the phase-frequency characteristic is fulfilled by the compensation of the feedforward controller. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method realizes the desired control over a wide of frequencies. Also, this method is model-free and transparent in the design.