WU Zhi-qiao,TANG Jia-fu,ZHOU Jin-gang.Selecting optimal reuse scenarios based on the two-stage procedure model in a software product line[J].Control Theory and Technology,2010,27(1):69~76.[点击复制]
Selecting optimal reuse scenarios based on the two-stage procedure model in a software product line
摘要点击 2618  全文点击 1835  投稿时间:2008-12-05  修订日期:2009-04-13
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中文关键词  软件质量  软件可靠性  软件复用  软件产品线  最优化模型
英文关键词  software quality  software reliability  software reuse  software product line  optimization models
基金项目  国家自然科学基金资助项目(70721001,70625001); 教育部博士点专项基金资助项目(20060145009); 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(N090604004).
吴志樵* 东北大学 信息科学与工程学院
东北大学 教育部流程工业综合自动化重点实验室 
唐加福 东北大学 信息科学与工程学院
东北大学 教育部流程工业综合自动化重点实验室 
周进刚 东北大学 信息科学与工程学院
东软集团股份有限公司 基础软件事业部 
      考虑了软件产品线工程中各软件模块复用策略的选择问题. 在建立软件产品线开发两阶段过程模型的基础上, 归纳出6种典型的复用策略及其实现方式, 提出考虑开发成本、工时、故障率的情况下进行复用策略的选择优化模型, 解决在满足可获得预算、开发周期、系统可靠性需求的约束下产品线质量最优问题. 并基于贝叶斯理论构建易测试函数, 为产品线开发中领域测试强度的估算提供了方法. 最后, 以邮箱服务系统为实例说明该模型的有效 性.
      We investigate the selection of the reuse scenarios on a two-stage software product line for satisfying the given requirements within a budgetary constraint while maximizing the product quality. Based on the two-stage process model, we conclude 6 typical reuse scenarios and their realizations, and propose a method for selecting the best one from them by considering the budget limitations, the development cost and time, the failure rate and reliability to optimize the production quality. Based on the Bayes theory, we developed a simplified testing function for estimating the intensity of domain testing in the developing phase of the product. A mailbox service system is used as a real example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model.