GAN Ya-hui,DAI Xian-zhong.Optimal trajectory-planning based on genetic algorithm for multi-robot system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2010,27(9):1245~1252.[点击复制]
Optimal trajectory-planning based on genetic algorithm for multi-robot system
摘要点击 2983  全文点击 1502  投稿时间:2009-09-04  修订日期:2009-11-11
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2010.9.CCTA091133
中文关键词  多机器人系统  轨迹规划  遗传算法  最优轨迹
英文关键词  multi-robot system  trajectory-planning  genetic algorithm  optimal trajectory
甘亚辉* 东南大学 自动化学院 复杂工程系统测量与控制教育部重点实验室 ganyahui@yeah.net 
戴先中 东南大学 自动化学院 复杂工程系统测量与控制教育部重点实验室  
      针对关节型多机器人系统在静态环境下的点到点的轨迹规划问题, 提出了一种基于遗传算法的最优轨迹规划策略. 采用遗传算法在综合考虑各机器人沿轨迹运动的安全性、运动代价以及运动学约束的基础上为单个机器人规划最优的运动轨迹, 并通过协调各机器人沿预定轨迹运行的时间避免机器人之间碰撞的发生. 针对含有3个二自由度平面关节型机器人的多机器人系统进行了仿真实验, 实验结果验证了该方法的有效性.
      To plan the point-to-point trajectories for a multi-robot system working in a static environment, we present a genetic-algorithm-based planning method. Adopting the genetic algorithm, we plan the optimal trajectory for each articulated robot based on the comprehensive consideration of the motion-cost and kinematic constraints on the robots. Collisions between robots are avoided by coordinating the starting time for each trajectory. Simulation experiment is carried out for a multi-robot system which includes three 2-DOF articulated robots. The experiment result shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.