PENG Liang-fu,LIN Yun-song.Determination of optimal escape maneuver for automatic air collision avoidance system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2010,27(11):1575~1579.[点击复制]
Determination of optimal escape maneuver for automatic air collision avoidance system
摘要点击 2163  全文点击 1868  投稿时间:2009-10-13  修订日期:2010-01-15
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2010.11.CCTA091294
中文关键词  自动空中防撞系统  逃避机动  最优控制
英文关键词  automatic air collision avoidance system(Auto ACAS)  escape maneuver  optimal control
基金项目  国家民委科研基金资助项目(08XN06).
彭良福* 西南民族大学 电气信息工程学院 pengliangfu@126.com 
林云松 电子科技大学 自动化工程学院  
      采用最优控制理论对空中自动防撞系统确定其最优的逃避机动. 首先将空中自动防撞系统逃避机动的确定问题抽象为一个具有复合性能指标的可变终端时刻的最优控制问题, 然后采用二次曲线拟合的方法, 求出两架飞机最靠近的终端时刻. 最后根据极大值原理和飞机的状态方程, 推算出为使两架飞机在最靠近时, 实现最大距离的逃避机动所应采用的最优滚转角速度和法向过载, 并给出了最优解的解析表达式.
      We employ the optimal control theory to determine the optimal escape maneuver for the automatic air collision avoidance system. Firstly, a variable terminal-time optimal control problem with compound performance index is formulated for determining the optimal escape maneuver for automatic air collision avoidance system; and then, the terminal-time when two aircrafts are closest to each other in the approach is obtained by a quadratic curve fitting. Finally, by the maximum principle and the state equation of the aircraft, we derive the analytical solutions for the optimal roll rate and the optimal normal acceleration of the optimal escape maneuver for achieving the largest minimum separation between two aircrafts at the closest point of approach.