CHEN Yang-zhou,LI Hong-feng,NI Jin.Modeling and analysis of cyclic linear differential automata for T-intersection signal timing[J].Control Theory and Technology,2011,28(12):1773~1778.[点击复制]
Modeling and analysis of cyclic linear differential automata for T-intersection signal timing
摘要点击 2513  全文点击 1398  投稿时间:2010-06-01  修订日期:2011-01-24
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DOI编号  10.7641/j.issn.1000-8152.2011.12.CCTA100645
中文关键词  线性微分自动机  T形交叉口  配时周期  稳定性
英文关键词  linear differential automata  T-intersection  timing cycle  stability
基金项目  国家自然科学基金资助项目(60774037); 国家教育部博士基金资助项目(20111103110017); 国家自然科学国际合作基金资助项目(60911120067); 国家“863”计划资助项目(2011AA110306, 2011AA110301).
陈阳舟* 北京工业大学 电子信息与控制工程学院 yzchen@bjut.edu.cn 
李宏峰 北京交通大学 交通运输学院  
倪金 北京工业大学 电子信息与控制工程学院  
      本文将周期线性微分自动机(CLDA)理论应用于T形交叉口的信号配时问题. 建立了T形交叉口排队的一类特殊形式的CLDA模型–切换服务系统. 在假定车辆到达率和驶离率满足某种条件的情况下, 基于该模型证明了在定相序情况下按照车辆排空后切换信号的配时策略能使车辆排队长度全局周期稳定, 并给出了信号配时周期的计算公式. 以北京市怀柔区富乐大街处的T形交叉口为例, 针对全天候的车辆到达率和驶离率变化情况, 应用本文结果进行了分时段信号配时. 并使用CheckMate 3.6混杂系统工具箱进行了仿真, 仿真结果进一步验证了本文结论的正确性.
      This paper applies the theory of cyclic linear differential automata(CLDA) to the signal timing problem of T-intersection. A special CLDA model, which is called a switched service system, is set up to describe the length of the vehicles queue. Under the specified arriving rate and the leaving rate of the vehicles, it is proved that, based on this model and for a given phase sequence, the signal timing strategy ‘emptying vehicle and then switching signal’can compel the length of the vehicles queue to vary periodically and form a globally stable queue. Moreover, the cyclic formula of the signal timing is formulated. The presented method has been applied to the T-intersection in Fule Avenue of Huai-rou district in Beijing. Considering the arriving rate and the leaving rate of the vehicles in a whole day, we set up a signal timing schedule of multiple periods and performed the simulation using the toolbox CheckMate 3.6. The results confirm the obtained conclusions.