LI Shao-yong,AN Ai-min,CAI Ying,HOU Cai-qin,HAN Xi-lian,WANG Ying.A deadlock control policy for a subclass of Petri nets G–system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2013,30(11):1429~1436.[点击复制]
A deadlock control policy for a subclass of Petri nets G–system
摘要点击 2796  全文点击 2712  投稿时间:2012-12-14  修订日期:2013-06-21
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2013.21259
中文关键词  柔性制造系统  Petri网  死锁控制  灵巧信标  活性受控系统
英文关键词  flexible manufacturing system  Petri nets  deadlock control  smart siphon  live controlled system
基金项目  国家自然科学基金资助项目(61364004, 61064003, 51266006, 50978129); 甘肃省自然科学基金资助项目(0903ZTB107); 甘肃省高等学校基本科研业务费资助项目(1103ZTC143); 兰州理工大学建工七七基金资助项目(TM-QK-1301).
李绍勇* 兰州理工大学 土木工程学院 lishaoyong99@163.com 
安爱民 兰州理工大学 电气工程与信息工程学院  
蔡颖 兰州理工大学 土木工程学院  
厚彩琴 兰州理工大学 土木工程学院  
韩喜莲 兰州理工大学 土木工程学院  
王瑛 兰州理工大学 土木工程学院  
      由于柔性制造系统中的死锁问题与对应建模Petri网中信标密切相关, 如何准确和快捷地求解这样的信标, 对于基于信标可控的死锁控制策略设计而言, 是十分重要的. 本文提出了基于G-system网灵巧信标的迭代式求解与受控的死锁控制策略. 与目前求解导致死锁信标所采用的部分枚举方法相比, 该方法避免了先求解出最大的死标识信标, 进而从中提取极小信标的步骤, 提高了信标的计算效率. 同时, 通过添加适当的控制库所, 使得灵巧信标满足max'-controlled, 获取的活性受控G–system网系统的许可行为数目可以得到进一步的提升. 通过理论分析和算例验证, 表明了该死锁控制策略的正确性和有效性.
      Since deadlock problems in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) modeled with Petri nets are closely related to the siphons in Petri nets, how to accurately and quickly solve such problems is important for designing the control policies for siphon-based controllable deadlock. This paper proposes an iterative deadlock control policy to solve and control smart siphons (SSs) in a subclass of Petri nets, i.e., G–system. Comparing with the existing partial siphon enumeration methods for solving the siphons associated with deadlocks, the proposed method avoids the process of finding the maximal deadly marked siphons in the Petri net and then extracting from which the minimal siphons, thus improving the solution efficiency. Meanwhile, by adding the proper control places (CPs) to make the obtained smart siphons max‘-controlled, we further increase the number of permissive behaviors of the corresponding live controlled Petri net system with liveness. Theoretical analysis and examples validate the efficiency of the proposed policy.