GAO Feng,LIN Hui.An adaptive repetitive controller based on generic internal model for active power filter in variable-frequency power system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2014,31(6):725~734.[点击复制]
An adaptive repetitive controller based on generic internal model for active power filter in variable-frequency power system
摘要点击 2316  全文点击 1674  投稿时间:2013-03-29  修订日期:2014-01-14
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2014.30267
中文关键词  飞机电网  变频系统  电能质量  有源电力滤波器  重复控制
英文关键词  aircraft power grid  variable-frequency system  power quality  active power filters  repetitive control
基金项目  高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20106102110032).
高峰* 西北工业大学 自动化学院 world_gao@163.com 
林辉 西北工业大学 自动化学院  
      为了提高变频电网并联型有源电力滤波器(APF)的电流控制性能, 针对谐波源的多样性和负载状态的变化, 提出了一种通用内模, 然后, 结合两次坐标变换, 通过内模p值的自适应调节, 建立了基于通用内模的重复控制器. 这种控制器, 能够根据电网或负载状态, 调整动态响应时间和补偿范围. 这样就解决了谐波源或负载的变化引起的补偿效果降低的问题. 针对电网频率的大范围变化, 又引入了周期自适应参数. 为了弥补重复控制动态延迟的缺陷, 将并联比例控制器组成复合控制系统, 并对该系统的主要特性进行了分析. 在飞机变频交流电网并联APF系统中, 首先将所提重复控制方法与其他四种方法了进行仿真对比, 最后进行了实验验证. 仿真和实验结果证明了基于通用内模的复合重复控制策略的有效性和优越性.
      To improve the current control of shunt active power filter (APF) in a variable-frequency power grid, we develop a generic internal model and build a repetitive controller based on this internal model. According to grid conditions or loads, this repetitive controller can adjust the dynamic response time and the compensation range through p and two coordinate transformations to guarantee the effective compensation for different harmonic sources and changing load status. It can also adapt to changes in a wide range of grid frequencies due to the introduction of its adaptive period parameter. To compensate for the dynamic delay in the repetitive controller, we form the composite control system by shunting the repetitive controller with a proportional controller. The major characteristics of this composite system are given. In the shunt APF system of an aircraft variable-frequency power grid, we perform simulations for the proposed repetitive control method and the other four existing control methods, and compare their simulations results. Simulation and experimental results confirm the validity and superiority of the proposed repetitive controller over other controllers.