引用本文: | 申永鹏,王耀南,孟步敏.电动汽车增程器燃油效率优化控制[J].控制理论与应用,2014,31(6):701~708.[点击复制] |
SHEN Yong-peng,WANG Yao-nan,MENG Bu-min.Optimal control of electric vehicle range extender for fuel efficiency[J].Control Theory and Technology,2014,31(6):701~708.[点击复制] |
电动汽车增程器燃油效率优化控制 |
Optimal control of electric vehicle range extender for fuel efficiency |
摘要点击 6040 全文点击 2904 投稿时间:2013-06-30 修订日期:2014-03-12 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2014.30645 |
2014,31(6):701-708 |
中文关键词 电动汽车 增程器 燃油效率 最优控制 PRP共轭梯度法 |
英文关键词 electric vehicle range extender fuel efficiency optimal control PRP conjugate gradient method |
基金项目 国家“863”计划资助项目(2012AA111004); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61104088). |
中文摘要 |
针对如何提高增程器燃油效率, 降低整车油耗的问题, 提出了一种基于PRP共轭梯度法的增程器燃油效率优化控制方法. 首先, 以产生给定能量燃油效率最高为优化性能指标, 以发动机转矩和发电机转矩为寻优变量, 建
立了增程器燃油效率优化控制问题的离散系统模型. 然后, 对算法实现过程中发动机、发电机的最高转速和最大转矩限制的处理方法进行了阐述, 给出了基于PRP共轭梯度法的增程器燃油效率优化控制问题的数值实现方法的详细步骤. 最后, 仿真和实验结果表明本文提出的优化控制方法可以有效提高增程器的燃油效率. |
英文摘要 |
In order to improve the fuel efficiency of electric vehicle range extender, and reduce the vehicle fuel consumption, a range extender fuel efficiency optimal control approach which is based on PRP conjugate gradient method is proposed in this paper. First, the discrete-time range extender fuel efficiency optimization model is developed, in which the fuel efficiency for a given energy command is chosen as the cost function, and the torque of the engine and generator are utilized as the optimized variables. Then, the methods of processing the maximum speed and torque of engine and generator are analyzed, and the step-by-step details to implement the proposed PRP conjugate gradient method based fuel efficiency optimal control approach are described. Finally, simulation and experiments are carried out and the results show that the optimal solutions obtained by the proposed approach improve the fuel efficiency of the range extender effectively. |