GAO Zhi-yuan,ZHU Xiao-jin,ZHANG He-sheng,LI Pei-jiang.Hybrid adaptive control method for active vibration control system with positive feedback[J].Control Theory and Technology,2015,32(7):978~984.[点击复制]
Hybrid adaptive control method for active vibration control system with positive feedback
摘要点击 3700  全文点击 1326  投稿时间:2014-11-12  修订日期:2015-04-10
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2015.41055
中文关键词  振动主动控制  自适应控制  混合控制  前馈控制  反馈控制  结构正反馈
英文关键词  active vibration control  adaptive control  hybrid control  feedforward control  feedback control  structural positive feedback
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(90716027, 51175319), 上海市教育委员会科研创新重点项目(13ZZ075)资助.
高志远 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院 gaozhiyuan86@163.com 
朱晓锦* 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院 mgzhuxj@shu.du.cn 
张合生 上海航天电子技术研究所  
李培江 上海大学 机电工程与自动化学院  
      对于存在结构正反馈的振动主动控制系统, 传统的基于有限冲击响应的自适应前馈控制器设计方法难以同时保证控 制系统稳定与良好的控制性能. 本文在分析正反馈对前馈控制系统影响的基础上, 基于无限冲击响应控制器设计模式, 提出一种结合前馈自适应控制器和反馈自适应控制器的混合自适应振动主动控制方法. 其中前馈自适应控制器采用参考传 感器采集到的扰动相关信号作为参考信号, 反馈自适应控制器通过构建扰动的估计量作为参考信号, 控制器参数更新采 用Landau参数递推算法. 以一典型的具有固有正反馈性质的机械振动系统为控制对象, 给出了该混合自适应控制算法的 详细推导过程以及稳定性和收敛性分析过程, 得到了算法稳定与收敛的严格正实条件以及相应放松严格正实条件的要求. 在此基础上, 通过构建实时振动主动控制实验平台, 针对多种振动扰动开展对比实验分析. 相关实验结果验证了本文提出的 混合自适应振动主动控制方法的可行性和有效性.
      The traditional finite impulse response (FIR) feedforward controller design method cannot guarantee the stability and desired control performances for active vibration control systems with structural positive feedback. To tackle the controller design problem, we put forward a novel infinite impulse response (IIR) hybrid adaptive vibration control algorithm by inserting an adaptive feedback controller into an adaptive feedforward controller. The reference signal of the feedforward controller is obtained from the reference sensor, while the reference signal of the feedback controller is constructed by using the estimates of the disturbance; control parameters are updated by employing Landau recursive algorithm. Taking a mechanical system with positive feedback as the controlled plant, the deducing process of this algorithm is illustrated in details. The stability and convergence are analyzed; the strictly positive real condition is derived along with the relaxation requirements. A real time control experimental platform is constructed; comparison experiments are done for several different vibration disturbances. The experiment results confirm the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.