引用本文: | 袁野,孙玉坤,黄永红,周云红,鞠金涛.磁轴承变饱和柔性变结构控制[J].控制理论与应用,2015,32(12):1627~1634.[点击复制] |
YUAN Ye,SUN Yu-kun,HUANG Yong-hong,ZHOU Yun-hong,JU Jin-tao.Variable saturation soft variable structure control of magnetic bearing[J].Control Theory and Technology,2015,32(12):1627~1634.[点击复制] |
磁轴承变饱和柔性变结构控制 |
Variable saturation soft variable structure control of magnetic bearing |
摘要点击 2606 全文点击 1693 投稿时间:2015-01-05 修订日期:2015-05-10 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2015.50007 |
2015,32(12):1627-1634 |
中文关键词 磁轴承 飞轮储能 状态方程 变饱和 柔性变结构 |
英文关键词 magnetic bearing flywheel energy storage state-space equation variable saturation soft variable structure |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(51377074, 51377077), 江苏省优势学科建设工程基金项目资助. |
中文摘要 |
采用磁轴承取代传统机械轴承, 可消除飞轮储能装置机械摩擦, 提高转子临界转速. 针对磁轴承控制系统
响应快、运行稳定的要求, 设计了一种变饱和柔性变结构控制器. 根据磁轴承的基本结构与悬浮力模型, 建立了系
统的状态方程; 通过有限元仿真, 分析了磁轴承耦合性, 确定了系统基本控制方案; 将柔性变结构和变饱和项结合,
当系统存在较大偏差时只通过线性控制器调节, 在中等偏差时通过线性控制器和变饱和状态控制器一起调节, 在小
偏差时由线性控制器和变饱和状态控制器转变的线性控制器一起调节. 仿真与实验结果表明, 变饱和柔性变结构
控制满足实时控制的要求, 磁轴承控制系统具有较快的响应速度和较高的运行稳定性. |
英文摘要 |
Using the magnetic bearing to replace the mechanical bearing can eliminate the mechanical friction and
increase the critical speed of a flywheel energy storage system (FESS). In this paper, the variable saturation soft variable
structure (VSSVS) is applied to realize fast response and stable operation of the FESS. According to the basic structure of
the magnetic bearing, an equivalent magnetic circuit method is applied to develop the mathematical model of suspension
force and the state-space equation. Based on finite element analysis, the coupling characteristics are analyzed and the
basic control scheme of the system is established. For the large state vectors, a linear control is employed to regulate, for
the moderate state vectors, the nonlinear component is blended into the control signal and for the small state vectors, the
nonlinear component becomes linear component, and regulation is accomplished employing two linear controllers. The
results show that the VSSVS controller meets the control requirements of the magnetic bearing system. |