Li Yun,XIAO Ying-jie.Combination of leader-follower method and potential function about ship formation control[J].Control Theory and Technology,2016,33(9):1259~1264.[点击复制]
Combination of leader-follower method and potential function about ship formation control
摘要点击 4902  全文点击 2005  投稿时间:2016-01-27  修订日期:2016-08-19
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2016.60066
中文关键词  船舶编队  领航跟随  势函数  图形拓扑
英文关键词  formation control  leader-follower method  potential function  graph topology
基金项目  上海市科委2009年度创新行动计划项目(09170502000), 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目(11CXY49)资助.
李芸* 上海海事大学商船学院 casismile@163.com 
肖英杰 航运仿真技术教育部工程研究中心  
      多船舶作业在海上越来越盛行, 最常见的运行方式就是船舶编队协控, 本文考虑领航跟随法过于集中控制 的不足, 将船舶编队分为领航–跟随控制阶段和跟随–跟随控制两个阶段. 在第1个阶段使用多输入滑模控制以及船 舶响应模型进行控制律分配; 第2阶段引入势函数方法, 结合图形拓扑来约束跟随船舶间的间距, 提高队形的稳固 性, 弥补单一领航跟随法的不足, 并通过Lyapunov函数验证系统控制的稳定性. 后期通过直线和曲线路径的仿真验 证, 得到编队船舶的各状态历时趋势, 船舶间状态最终达到一致性, 实现队形保持的目标, 得出良好效果, 验证了算 法的有效性.
      As multi-vessel operation prevails increasingly at sea, the most common mode is ship formation control. Considering the over-centralized control of leader-follower method, the multi-vessel formation is divided into the leaderfollower control stage and follower-follower control stage in this paper. At the first stage, the control law utilizing sliding mode control and ship response model is applied. The potential function method which combines with the graph topology is introduced to constrain the balance distance for follower in the second stage. These methods can improve stability of the formation, to make up for the single leader-follower method. The stability of control system is verified by the Lyapunov function. Finally getting the state diachronic trend of ship formation by the simulation of straight and curve path verification, the ship state achieves consistency, reaching the goal of maintaining the formation, which obtains good results and tests the effectiveness of algorithm.