YE Lin-qi,ZONG Qun,TIAN Bai-ling,WANG Fang.Tracking control of nonminimum phase systems: an overview[J].Control Theory and Technology,2017,34(2):141~158.[点击复制]
Tracking control of nonminimum phase systems: an overview
摘要点击 4097  全文点击 3666  投稿时间:2016-05-16  修订日期:2017-03-10
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2017.60321
中文关键词  控制系统  非最小相位  跟踪控制  零动态  性能限制
英文关键词  control systems  nonminimum phase  tracking control  zero dynamics  performance limitations
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61273092, 61673294, 61503323), 中国博士后科学基金项目(2015M571282), 秦皇岛市科技计划项目(201502A178)
叶林奇 天津大学 Yelinqi@tju.edu.cn 
宗群 天津大学  
田栢苓* 天津大学 1-0-7-1-0-7@163.com 
王芳 燕山大学  
      非最小相位系统是指包含不稳定零动态的系统. 经典的跟踪控制理论, 特别是非线性系统跟踪控制理论, 是以最小相位系统为基础建立的, 不能直接用于非最小相位系统. 研究非最小相位系统跟踪控制理论, 是对经典控 制理论的扩展和补充, 具有重要的意义. 本文对目前非最小相位系统跟踪控制领域取得的成果进行综述. 首先梳理 各种非最小相位系统跟踪控制方法的基本思想, 并按照近似跟踪和精确跟踪进行归类, 建立非最小相位系统跟踪控 制的基本框架. 然后围绕该框架对各种方法进行详细介绍. 接着讨论非最小相位系统的跟踪性能限制. 最后总结现 有研究存在的一些问题及对今后的发展方向进行展望. 本文的目的在于使控制工作者对非最小相位系统的跟踪控 制有一个较为清晰的认识.
      Nonminimum phase systems refer to the systems with unstable zero dynamics. Classical tracking control theory, especially nonlinear systems tracking control theory, is developed on the hypothesis of minimum phase systems, which prevents its direct application to nonminimum phase systems. As an extension and implementation of classical control theory, it is of great significance to investigate the tracking control theory of nonminimum phase systems. This paper makes an overview on the current achievements in tracking control of nonminimum phase systems. First, the basic idea of each method for tracking control of nonminimum phase systems is summarized, and a basic framework is presented by sorting these methods into approximate tracking and exact tracking. Then, the methods are introduced one by one according to the preceding framework. Next, the tracking performance limitations of nonminimum phase systems are discussed. Finally, some issues of the current research are summarized and an outlook on future directions is provided. The purpose of this paper is to help control engineers acquire a comparatively comprehensive understanding in tracking control of nonminimum phase systems.